Monday, March 22, 2010


"SCULLY: A lot of angry comments aimed at a couple of your colleagues, including Barney Frank and Congressman John Lewis, using the “n” word as some of the protesters jeered at him as he walked through the halls of the Capitol.
NUNES: Yeah, well I think that when you use totalitarian tactics, people, you know, begin to act crazy. I think, you know, there’s people that have every right to say what they want. If they want to smear someone, they can do it. It’s not appropriate. And I think I would stop short of characterizing the 20,000 people protesting, that all of them were doing that –
SCULLY: — those are just some of the stories.
NUNES: Of course. I think the left loves to play a couple of incidents here or there."

He is right. You have the right to say whatever you want even if it sets us back 500 years. This guy is so blinded by the politics and I think he forgot who got him into office. Possibly some F**S and N****RS. IDIOT!

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