Thursday, February 4, 2010


via ny times:

"Anywhere but here, of course. Several items by the main entrance were location-specific mementos. A T-shirt marked “W. 125th Blues” seemed disproportionately long for its width, with the lettering creeping up to the neckline. (And, no, there is no American Eagle in Harlem.) "

"American Eagle Outfitters
1551-1555 Broadway (West 46th Street); (212) 205-7260.

BASIC GOOD CHEER Not a single member of the staff wasn't smiling, and not one looked bad in the house plaid.

GIRLS AT THE TOP Men's clothing is in the basement and shares the small main floor with women's wear, which also occupies the second floor. The third floor is given over to Aerie, the company's underwear and sleepwear line. Even boyfriends and dads are looked at askance here.

TOURIST TRAP Open and, relatively speaking, bustling until 1 a.m., helped by a glossy, peppy playlist spanning Vampire Weekend to Nelly; it's billed as AE College Radio. "

Its not like I am too good for this store but to me if falls in line as Abercrombie and Hollister. Who wants to buy already beaten up, ripped, ultra washed clothing? It doesn't make any sense to me but I guess the "pre painted" POLO pants i own don't make sense to other people either. Am i guilty as well for falling into the trap? Is AE just a cheap imitation Ralph Lauren? NA! I'm not buying it or into it. Also I try to avoid Times Square like the plague.

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