Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So, last night I had the unbelievable privilege of going to a live taping of Joe Buck Live. For some of you who do not know Joe Buck is a sports commentator on mostly network television. With this HBO show he is allowed to be a lot more candid and ask those random, annoying, burning, and humorous questions that many people want to ask but don not have the balls or access to do so.

The show was shot at the NYU Amphitheater and the crowd was mixed with young, old, male and female sports enthusiasts.

Guests included:

Brian Westbrook and Brian Urlacher:

The quickly went into BW'S recent trouble with the NFL 's new epidemic: Concussions. BW talked about how it was strange getting one and that he actually lost consciousness and was actually dreaming snoring when the doctors got to him on the field.

BW "I had no recollection of the play and I at first was not sure where I was" Joe Buck seemed to make him think about the severity of his injuries because he continued to drive home the severity's of the injury (which BW was fully aware)

BU was very reserved and PC for the most part. He explained that he does not try to further injure a player. If he knows a player in injured he said "i just try to get them down". As one of the most revered and feared LB (Linebackers)_ in the NFL he seemed a little scared to answer a question that might make him badly or make him feel uncomfortable. All in all it was great to hear and see two of my favorite ballers speak about the pressure and scrutiny they face with disclosing injuries.

Favorite quote of that segment :BW: I only have one brain so I need to be cautious and play smart"

Pedro Martinez:

Came out to a chorus of boo's and "who's your daddy" chants. Pedro was hilarious, confident and brilliant in all of the dialogue between himself and Joe Buck. He was applauded by Joe for his stellar pitching statistics during the "steroid" era of baseball (219-100 Era 2.93Over 3,000 Strikeouts)

I think it is pretty impressive and again he is a former Met so I hold a little place in my heart for him.

The Main Event: Floyd "Money" Mayweather and Michael Strahan and Mark Wahlberg:

This was just pure comedy. These three athletes got the biggest applause of the night. More so because Giant fans are forever in debt for the Superbowl Championship and people just love Money's personality. This interview was just pure comedy. Money was talking about how much money he lost this past weekend with all of the NFL upsets this past weekend. Since Floyd lives in Vegas he said the gambling is just always there and as a boxer he said he can gamble on all sports even on his own sport.

Strahan spoke a lot about the Giant Superbowl win and rubbed it into MR. Wahlberg's face (being from Boston and being a hardcore Boston sports fan). He also spoke about his rather easy transition to television (FOX NFL Sunday and the sitcom (The Brothers and TV commercials))

Floyd completely captivated the crowd with all of his confidence and the fact that he says that he is confident on beating Manny Pacquiao and Strahan translated "He's going to bust his ass"

Wahlberg was all love last night. Praising Strahan and Mayweather for their future on the big and small screens. And of course they kissed a little ass themselves saying they loved his acting.

I must say I was truly impressed with Joe Buck. What a great night. Thanks to Mike L for the tiks.

Sports and Talk I love it.

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