Friday, December 4, 2009


I was jsut minding my own business browsing the internet ( when I came across this atrocity of epic proportions. C'MON SON Really? WTF is this about? No matter if this product came with $392 (the price of the pants) would these ever go on my body and should never go on any human beings body. I'm just going to say anything see through should never be worn on public. Lingerie (can't believe I am actually and writing the word) worn under your clothing is fine but I am truly offended by this piece of trash.

Ok I'm done but look below at the I dream of genie pants gone wild (wrong, wack, and all other words that star with "W" that are insulting)

Pairing with any of these lovely items: Any of these would be a great pairing for these pants. (can you smell the sarcasm coming out of my pores?)

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