Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Letter to Michael

RIP Uncle Spencer Tracey: If you are reading this above is just a little piece of your heart you left for me.

Dear Michael,

I know this maybe sound a little crazy but you don't know me but you have had such a profound effect on my life. As I watched your memorial service on CNN I was really touched by all of the wonderful things people had to say about you. All of the songs, the words and the tears. I even shed a tear for you myself.

You have been a friend and in my life for so long. We first met on December 2, 1983. It was the day after my sixth birthday. Your video Thriller was going to be broadcast on TV so my Uncle Spencer Tracey (yeah i know was named after the actor) who was living in the Bronx at the time gathered all of us (My mom, dad and brother) at his home and we watched your movie together. I remember the lights went off and I wa so scared. The voices, the howls, the monster was all new and scary to me. I hated it so much. At the end of the show I vowed (if a 6 year old can do that) to never watch it again. Funny but when the video came out I begged my uncle to buy it for me.

We watched it again and I think I was even more scared because I knew what was going to happen. I was torturing myself for what? At the time I had no idea but after about 10 more times I fell in love with you music and you Michael Jackson. I wanted to know everything about you. My uncle happened to be one of the most respected DJ'S/Collectors so he taught me everything I wanted to know about you. At the time he owned all of your work from The Jackson 5, The Jackson's, and Michael Jackson. I listened to all of the grooves and rhythms. Your lyrics were so infectious. Even the songs you didn't write it seems like you took on every song as a challenge to make it your own and to make me feel your pain or the pain of others. The Heartache, the hunger, and the frustration.

Because of you I fell in love with music. I thank you for bringing me closer to my uncle (I love you Uncle Spence and I MISS YOU) and I thank you for helping me become a fan of real heart felt soulful music. I feel like you and I could have gotten closer but thank you for leaving me with all of these wonderful gifts. Your music will never leave my brain.

Michael Joseph Jackson

1 comment:

  1. kboog... you're so dope for writing this. knowing you as well as i do, and knowing how absolutely central music is to your existence and work, i am even more amazed at the impact MJ had on our lives. thanks for sharing your personal story and timeline. its always nice to hear a man talk about love. after all, that was MJ... and in this piece, that is you.
