Thursday, July 9, 2009



I think i might go get a darshan today.

New York
July 7 ~ July 9
Manhattan Center311 W. 34th Street New York, NY - 10001
Retreats with Amma Seva Opportunities Local City Information FAQ Google Directions
** Please visit local city info page for detailed directions.
Three days of public programs will be held in New York between July 7 and 9.
Public Program Information
New York City Information
Program contact: 212.714.5445Email:satsang@ammany.orgWebsite:New York satsang

Online retreat registration is available
Please click "Register Online" button below to register for retreats.

Public Program
July 7 - July 9
Manhattan Center311 W. 34th Street New York, NY - 10001
10 am and 7:30 pm
Devi BhavaPublic Program
July 9
Manhattan Center311 W. 34th Street New York, NY - 10001
7:00 pm
** Please note: We request everyone who wishes to have Devi Bhava darshan, to get their tokens either before the Atma Puja begins, or during the early part of the evening. Amma has programs scheduled to begin in the next city, thus there is the necessity for her to travel on the day following Devi Bhava. Amma does not wish to discourage her children or limit the darshans, it is simply because of the need for Amma to leave by a certain hour the following day that we must ask everyone to get their tokens early.

Public Program Events

We are truly delighted to have Amma's physical presence in the N. America again this year. She will be visiting two cities - San Ramon, CA and Dearborn, MI. There will be free public programs in these two cities(San Ramon, Michigan) and two retreats.
On most public program days, there are two programs each day i.e. during the day (at 10:00 am) and the evening (at 7:30 pm). During these programs, anyone could come to see and meet Amma and get her darshan. Darshan means receiving a blessing in the form of a compassionate hug from Amma. Devi Bhava programs (ceremony in celebration of the Divine Mother) ccur once in most cities on the last day of the program. Devi Bhava program starts at 7:00pm. Please find more details below.
Numbered tokens for entering the darshan line to meet Amma are distributed one hour before each program, with priority given to those meeting Amma for the first time.
The events during the public program days are:
1. Morning Programs
Darshan* ------ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Darshan is Amma's blessing that comes in the form of a compassionate hug.
A delicious vegetarian lunch is served and snacks are available for a modest fee.
2. Evening Programs
Spiritual programs ------ 7:30 pm - end
The evening program starts with spiritual talk (either by Amma and/or one of Amma's senior disciples or devotees).
This is followed by devotional singing (bhajans).
Following this darshan continues for those that did not receive darshan in the morning.
Dinner ------ 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm
Dinner is served every evening for a modest fee at 6:00 pm (before the programs begin) and at 10:00 pm (after the bhajans). For Devi Bhava nights please see below.
3. Devi Bhava Programs
Atma Puja ------ 7:00 pm
Atma Puja is a ceremony done for spiritual advancement of the world.
Darshan* ------ 8:00 pm - end
Darshan* continues until the last person is received by Amma.
Dinner ------ 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Dinner is served for a modest fee.
We request that you respect the Indian traditions by dressing conservatively and avoid wearing sleeveless shirts, tight clothes or short skirts.

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