Tuesday, May 19, 2009

90210 and Melrose Place Parties

Ah, the good ole days. Sitting in the office attempting to reconcile this statement and one of my fav songs pops up on imeem (http://www.imeem.com/) is the one and only Jeremy Jordon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV05oji5doc) came on and it took me back to High School Days.

Jenny Pollowitz had an amazing idea. What better way for an excuse to drink, eat and hang out on a school night. We would all gather @ Jenny's and watch the double feature of Monday Night: Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place. Oh man what a night! It was so much fun to get involved in two of the most unrealistic shows in television history.

Though i was more of a 90210 kinda guy i stayed to watch Melrose Place because it was just so crazy. I would leave my house @ 7:30 PM (Yes going out on a school night was crazy) ish to get some grub before all the food was gone and get a good spot to sit and watch the drama that would ensue.

Donna Martin graduate!

Thanks Pollowitz!!

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