Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Say what you want about ballers (football, basketball, baseball) who make boats loads of money not caring about anyone but themselves. Randy Moss for his entire career has been chastized for opening his mouth. I am so sick of people talking shit about athletes being dumb as bricks or being slaves while you sit in your cubicle or in your tiny office playing armchair

Look people: These athletes are REAL people too who makes mistakes just like you and me. They have a responibility to no one but themselves and their family. Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever received a speeding ticket? Probabaly, but your life isn't under a magnifying glass contantly being watched.

Walk a mile in their shoes and maybe you'll think twice about what you say about others and maybe you should make yourslef happy before you decide to make someone else unhappy with your comments.


Randy Moss rewards students for excellence

"I always enjoy smiles on kids' faces," he said. "I like to see happiness."

I've always felt that it's important for parents and children to understand how important an education is," Moss said. "It's easy to lose track of the objective sometimes, but as a parent myself, my main goal is to make sure my children stay on top of things.

"We as adults, their teachers and parents, have to lead them down the right path and support them. They're going to be our doctors and lawyers and businesspeople later on."

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