Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I watched this episode last night. It really got to me. It makes me sad people are so controlled by one thing. For DMX it was CRACK! But more than that X is a troubled soul. He grew up shitty, wrote about his shitty life, and his life continued to be shitty until this day. Truth be told I love DMX! He has always been one of my favorite rappers and remains to be til this day. Anyone who can climb out of this I give kudos to. I think he can do it.

Funny thing is that the home that he was taken to be reformed in where I grew up. In Dobbs Ferry Children's Village was known as the place "the bad ghetto kids" went. It sucks because these kids like "X" are dropped there and hoped to be "reformed". I always hated that "reform" school. Reform from what? I know a lot of people need to reformed but I guess I think the world is rose petals and apple juice. Though you may not think he has climbed out of his struggle? He might not have but he is still breathing and each day is a new start and a new beginning. Watch below for the full video of the DMX Behind the Music.

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