Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The "Los Suns" jerseys the Phoenix Suns wear annually for the NBA's "Noche Latina" program just went from marketing gimmick to political statement.
And a playoff series with a narrative already worthy of The History Channel just added a subplot that would make for a rowdy segment on Fox News Channel.
In announcing the Suns would wear their Spanish jerseys for Game 2 against the San Antonio Spurs -- which falls on the Mexican holiday known as Cinco de Mayo -- Suns owner Robert Sarver went out of his way to knock Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement law known as Senate Bill 1070.
Good for Sarver. The only time we're used to seeing pro sports team owners take a public stance on a political legislation is when there's a stadium funding bill on the ballot. But something has gotten into Sarver. In the Suns' 111-102 victory over the Spurs in Game 1 on Monday night he was on his feet, exhorting the crowd to make more noise. Now he's jumping into this divisive issue.
The bill was signed into law last month by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. It makes it a misdemeanor for immigrants to be in Arizona without proper documents and allows police officers to request proof of status if there is a "reasonable suspicion" that the person is in the country illegally.

Good for the Suns Owner to stand up for the rights of the people who helped build a majority of this country. Both of my parents were both in a foreign country and this Arizona bill just disgusts me to the core. Arizona has always had its issues with political change. Remember they were the controversial state to not recognize Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a paid holiday until nine years after the law was passed. (John McCain ummmmmm) So Arizona get it together. PLEASE!! GO SOLES!

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