Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Office Dress Code

I work in a VERY casual environment and the majority of the office dresses "down" or "casual" but sometimes people take things too far. It seems as if the world stopped caring about looking presentable in the office. I never thought it was appropriate to wear "LIQUID" leggings and a short shirt, or to wear the same clothes that you seemingly wore to bed the night before. I like wearing jeans and a t-shirt just like anyone else but I would rather wear pants and a shirt "business casual" than have to be subject to seeing people wearing sweatpants and a t shirt, a velour sweatsuit (even though it might cost over $ are still wearing in home attire) and the unfortunate leggings craze that have swept the US.

Is it ok to wear sweatpants to work? Have some pride in yourself and throw on some denim, slacks, or chino's. Its funny because the women seem to be taking dressing down to the extreme.

College is over people. No sweat or workout attire in the office. PLEASE!!!!!

And as far as the liquid leggings go....... as it always goes....somethingsarenotforeveryone


  1. Man everyday is laundry day out here. Some chics aint even bothering to pull the hair all the way back in their ponytails. You just see random strands poking out.

    They say hey man "why you dressed up?" I say hey man the question is "why aren't you dressed at all?"
